NDIS Auditing Services

JPS provides auditing services for every type of NDIS registration. From low-risk services to more complex supports, we can guide you through the right audit pathway for your business.

People talking and pointing at a computer screen.

To become a registered NDIS provider, you’ll need to satisfy the requirements of the NDIS quality and safety standards.

The pathways for Registration are:

A Verification audit is required for providers delivering lower risk, less complex services and supports to NDIS participants

A Certification audit is required for providers delivering higher risk, more complex services and supports to NDIS participants

A Provisional audit is required for providers who intend on delivering higher risk, more complex services but have not yet commenced service delivery with NDIS participants.

JPS Audit Specialists work with all providers in the NDIS and will help guide you on the right audit pathway for your business. We have supported thousands of providers nation-wide through their audit needs, with auditors who genuinely care about the clients we work with.

Verification or Certification?

The type of audit you require depends on the type of services and supports you deliver to participants.

If you are a new provider joining the NDIS and don't yet have participants you will need to undergo a Provisional Certification audit. The purpose of the provisional audit is to ensure your organisation has a compliant system ready to provide support and services once participants are onboarded in the future.

A Certification pathway is prompted when providing medium and high risk services and supports. For low risk services and supports, a Verification pathway is prompted.

A Verification audit is an off-site audit which assesses your suitability for registration against the ‘Verification Module’ or low risk registration groups. The Verification audit is conducted once every 3 years.

The below registration groups fall under the NDIS provider pathways.

0101 Accommodation/Tenancy
0103 Assist Prod-Pers Care/Safety
0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
0108 Assist-Travel/Transport
0109 Vehicle Modifications
0111 Home Modifications
0112 Assistive Equip-Recreation
0113 Vision Equipment0114 Community Nursing Care
0114 Community Nursing Care
0116 Innov Community Participation
0119 Specialised Hearing Services
0120 Household Tasks
0121 Interpret/Translate
0122 Hearing Equipment
0123 Assistive Prod-Household Task
0124 Comms & Info Equipment
0126 Ex Phys Pers Training
0127 Plan Management
0128 Therapeutic Supports
0129 Specialised Driver Training
0130 Assistance Animals
0134 Hearing Services
0135 Custom Prosthetics

Core Module
‍0102 Assist Access/Maintain Employ
0106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition
0107 Assist-Personal Activities
0115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living
0117 Development-Life Skills
0125 Participate Community
0133 Spec Support Employ
0136 Group/Centre Activities

Module 1
0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities

‍Module 2
0110 Specialist Behaviour Support

Module 2a
Implementation Behaviour Support Plan

‍Module 3
0118 Early Intervention Childhood Supports

Module 3a
Modified Certification Early Childhood

‍Module 4
0132 Specialist Support Coordination

‍Module 5 (SDA)
0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation

A Certification audit is conducted over a 3-year cycle and is broken down into the following stages:

Stage 1 is conducted off-site and involves reviewing your NDIS application, documentation relating to policies and procedures, and any prior certification or verification outcomes.

The auditor will conduct interviews with management, staff and participants and conduct site reviews as required. Once the audit is completed the auditor will write a report and submit their recommendation to the NDIS commission along with your application for review.

The Stage 2 audit is generally conducted on-site and involves assessing how your services are being implemented with NDIS participants. You will not require a Stage 2 audit until you commence service delivery under medium or high-risk registration groups.

The Mid-term is an on-site audit that takes place 18 months after your registration has been approved. It involves reviewing your work practices to ensure quality standards are being maintained and continuing to meet the NDIS practice standards.

Getting Started

The first step in applying to become a registered NDIS Provider or to renew your registration, is to submit an online application to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. This generates an ‘Initial Scope of Audit’ that summarises your registration requirements, the type of audit you need to undergo (e.g. Verification or Certification) as well as which standards you will be audited against.

You can click the link below to apply.

Becoming an NDIS Provider
A person drinking a coffee looking at a phone.

Other NDIS Audits

Conditional Audit

Sometimes the NDIS will impose a ‘Condition’ on your registration asking you to have an additional audit outside of your scheduled 3-year renewal or midterm audit. JPS can help you navigate what this condition means, and what type of audit you will need based on your individual condition.

Out of Cycle Audit

Any modifications to your service delivery, additional registration groups, or changes to sites will be evaluated during your next scheduled audit. However, there are instances where an "out of cycle" audit may be necessary to assess these changes before the scheduled audit date. To learn more please contact us.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Audit

If you are looking to become registered for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA only) this audit ensures that all disability housing meets specific quality, safety, and accessibility requirements.

Modified NDIS Audit for Residential Aged Care providers

If an aged care facility is providing accommodation for any NDIS participants a Certification (Stage 1 and Stage 2) audit will be required.

Audit Ready?

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